
FOUNDER, President, and CEO

Jhana Senxian

Jhana Senxian is a Brandeis- and Harvard-trained social anthropologist. As the founder and CEO of The Guild, she brings over 20 years of research and direct action work across the US, Europe and Africa, with a passion for co-creating and piloting new models for community leadership in urban resilience, art and cultural power. Learn More


board Secretary

Carolyn Finney

Carolyn Finney, PhD, is a storyteller, author and a cultural geographer whose work aims to develop cultural competency around environmental issues, including challenging media outlets on their representation and increasing awareness of how privilege shapes who gets to speak to environmental issues and determine policy and action. Learn More


board Treasurer

Joachim Gfoeller

Joachim (Joe) Gfoeller, Jr. is the Director of Investments for Nottingham Spirk, a leading product invention and innovation firm based in Cleveland, Ohio. Learn More


board member

Moyo Okediji

Moyo Okediji is an art historian, artist, and curator who has apprenticed with several indigenous African artists working in both sacred and secular mediums including mat weaving, textile designs, terra cotta, shrine painting, and sculpture. Learn More


board member

Nicole Purvis

Nicole Purvis is the Executive Director of Greater Four Corners Action Coalition. She was previously the Executive Director of Four Corners Main Street in Dorchester, Massachusetts where she worked with the small businesses within the Four Corners district by offering on site technical assistance, sign and facade grants through the city of Boston. Learn More