“For Ourselves & Our Descendants, We Are Designers & Developers Of New Urban Landscapes”

Sanctuary Space

Real Estate Development & Sustainable Metroscaping

The Guild works with community volunteers and vendors to turn blighted and underutilized indoor and outdoor venues into shared community assets for healing, wellness, social connection, cultural, economic dev. and educational activities.

Imagine growing up next door to a vacant, dilapidated lot that, for generations, has been neglected and disregarded to the point of emotionally wounding the neighborhood psyche.

This was the story at the Bowdoin-Geneva Hub on Topliff Street in Dorchester until 2012 when, in partnership with the City of Boston, the Guild was granted stewardship of a 10,000 square foot  site and began a sustainable metroscaping initiative to transmute the physical and energetic scar into enriching public space. 

Cleaned, constructed, and programmed by neighbors who stepped into roles of active co-creation, the Bowdoin-Geneva Hub now shines as a center for community gathering and cultural exchange, offering shaded picnic tables, vegetable gardens, yoga classes, art and healthy eating programs, music and dance events, and more. 

“I was so used to walking by and seeing this run-down place,” one neighbor said. But now, “People see a beautiful site, and it really shows them that you can make this place better.” 

Echoing the sentiments of members of the community, City of Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said The Guild's work brings a “unique, multifaceted approach to community health and wellness.”

Mosaic of Voices:

Key Benefits: neighborhood revitalization, social cohesion, safety, youth jobs and leadership, civic engagement, improved quality of life, local economy support, healthy food access points, workforce development, interim development solution for public sector assets, new urban policy, neighborhood-based education/training hubs, new systems and infrastructure for healing and wellbeing. Venue for community/org activities. Educate students in the creation of new models and practices. Lessen social isolation.